We found 3 Dogs and Puppies Near Me in San Jose, Homerton
San Jose, San Jose
-1.5 y/o -Friendly, lovable, & playful personality -Medium size -Fluffy, curly fur -Loves belly rubs -Is an Aries ?? -Had all shots taken (name chipper at Shelter City)
95122, San jose
German Shepard in need of home and loving family she deserves to have the very best. She is smart and knows to pee on pads she is 4 months and very energetic
San jose, Ca
I have three Pompom on sale, they are white with some beige, and they already got their first shots of the dewormer. They are playful and full of energy.
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Create Search AlertBringing a new dog into your home can have a very positive impact on your family and lifestyle. All the listed puppies for sale are ready to go to a new home and the dogs are looking for a fresh start in life. Take a look through our free seller listings and find your four legged friend for life.
For more information please take a look at the dog breed information section which includes an Overview, History and Origin, Temprement, Training, Grooming, Health, Children and other pets and Exercise needs of the breed.